April 29, 2009
April 27, 2009
Meghan's Bridal Portraits
April 15, 2009
Rhett and Link...funny...funny - this is great!
I'll be back to posting images very soon, but for now here's something hilarious... I've seen some of the other videos from these guys and they are laugh your ass off funny. Check their website out right here.
April 7, 2009
Graphic Designer Sued : Stock Agency FRAUD

I don't normally post agenda driven items, but this hits close to home. Jon Engle, a prominent graphic designer, is being wrongfully sued by a stock agency, www.stockart.com, for copyright infringement - Here's the catch! Someone ripped off logo images from Jon's Logopond Showcase (a portfolio site) and sold them to the stock agency!!! WTF! GET THIS - the lawyer from the stock agency is now contacting Jon's clients telling them that the work done is a violation of copyright!!!! I first read about the story on one of my fave design blogs, blog.iso50.com/, and Jon's account can be found here Take the opportunity to read Jon's post and comment away.
April 6, 2009
Faves: Sanborn/Tower of Power Concert
At a numerous points during the show I was onstage with the band. This made for some unique perspectives of concert photography. This was a fantastic shoot, and with the dynamic range of the 5DmarkII there was NO problem getting what I wanted out of the night. Total blast. Thanks to Jason Ratliff from the Sandler Center for taking care of me, thanks to Wullie - Dave's road manager, to Stephanie at PRA Records, and to the guys in the two bands for making the photographing about as cool as it could have been.

April 5, 2009
www.NateKinnison.com Scheduled Maintinence
Hi Guys, my main website/portfolio - www.natekinnison.com - will be undergoing some scheduled maintenance over the next week. Visitors can still view the site, but some things are changing, so bear with me. The end result will be more user oriented and showcase even more of my recent work. If you have any questions about pricing or availability while the main site is under renovation send me an email at nate@natekinnison.com I look forward to hearing from you.
April 1, 2009
Why You Crying, Sophia?
Gabriel is talking to Sophia at the hospital the day before She went home. "Why you frying?" LaLa is what Gabriel calls his milk. He's trying to say gala - the Greek word for milk. I love it when he tells her he'll get her a lala.
David Sanborn, Tower of Power
On Sunday Night I had the pleasure of photographing renowned saxophonist David Sanborn with the Sideguys, and Tower of Power for PRA Records. I was given full access to the theater and stage during the concert as well as time for portraits and headshots. This was definitely one of the highlights of my photographic career, and I look forward to doing much more of this work. Check out the slideshow below by clicking on the photo...
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