Click this link to the audio
Click this link to Platon's portrait portfolio
I'm sending this post out to my readers who are photographers. Many of us spend our time with portrait subjects that we get to know through the booking and meeting process, or referrals through friends and past clients or people we already know. One of the hardest things, I've found, is approaching and taking a portrait (that isn't contrived or overly awkward) of a complete stranger. I'm not talking about sneaking into a capture with a long lens either. Getting an individual to open up and give you a window into who they really are, and not a moment behind the cheese in front of the lens is tough. There is definitely a talent in cracking through the shell of most people. Platon is a master at this and it shows in his work.
The best way to listen to this presentation IMO is to open Platon's portrait portfolio while playing the recording. He is going through a slideshow of his images from the portrait section of his portfolio and talking about his experiences. This has to be one of the most engaging, entertaining, heartfelt, and educational photographer presentations I've heard to date. Take the time to listen and peruse his portrait portfolio to key in on most of the portraits to which he's referring.
I photographed this man in October at a wine festival in Winchester, VA. He had a fascinating look and accent, and his personality radiated to everyone at the table. I looked right at him with camera in hand and asked, "Can I take your picture?" He looked, laughed and gave an honest look into the lens.
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